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- Color 1
- Color 2
- Color 3
- Source X
- Source Y
- Tag X
- Tag Y
- Count
- Min Size
- Max Size
- Subsample
- Random Grain
- Edge Soften
- Spread Bristles
- Use Clone Color
- New Brush Model
- Multiple Bristles
- Advance
- Min Advance
- Placement
- Variability
- How Often
- Contact Angle
- Brush Scale
- Turn Amount
- Bristles
- Resaturation
- Bleed
- Dryout
- Wet Fringe
- Diffusion
- Maximum
- Minimum
- Threshold 1
- Threshold 2
- Library
- Brush
- Variant
- Grain
- Concentration
- Single
- Multi
- Rake
- Hose
- Circular
- 1-Pixel
- Bristle
- Captured
- Ignored
- Profile
- Size
- ┬▒Size
- Size Step
- Squeeze
- Angle
- Ang Rng
- Ang Step
- Clumpiness
- Thickness
- Hair Scale
- Scale/Size
- Opacity
- Dye Concentration
- Hiding Power
- Color
- Random Clone Source
- ┬▒H
- ┬▒S
- ┬▒V
- Color Set Square
- Brightness
- Contrast
- Ignored
- P0X
- P0Y
- P1X
- P1Y
- P2X
- P2Y
- P3X
- P3Y
- Top
- Left
- Bottom
- Right
- Oversampled
- Width
- Height
- Paper Color
- Is Movie
- Number of Frames
- File Name
- File Type
- Flags
- Number of Dabs
- Number of Strokes
- Ticks
- Current Color
- Pattern
- Gradation
- Weaving
- Inverted
- Amount
- Wrap Around
- DX
- DY
- Opacity
- Entire Image
- Black Point
- White Point
- Gamma
- Gamma Width
- Unmasked
- Mask Inside
- Mask Outside
- Drop With Mask
- Show Selection Marquee
- Opacity
- Feather
- Floater Path
- Top
- Left
- Name
- Edge
- Power
- Feature Size
- Softness
- Don't Display
- Display Mask as Color
- Display Mask as Outline
- Transparent Mask
- Mask Color
- Bias
- Library
- Weave
- Warp Pattern
- Weft Pattern
- Warp Color Pattern
- Weft Color Pattern
- Tieup
- Squares
- Fibers
- Weft Scale
- Warp Scale
- Weft Thickness
- Warp Thickness
- Number of Fields
- Linear
- Cubic
- Sphere
- X
- Y
- DX
- DY
- Radius
- Library
- Gradation
- Linear
- Radial
- Circular
- Spiral
- Up
- Up-Down
- Up-Up
- Down
- Down-Up
- Down-Down
- Angle
- Spirality
- Grad Name
- X Offset
- Y Offset
- X Spacing
- Y Spcaing
- Line Thickness
- Grid Color
- Background Color
- Transparent
- Gray Threshold
- Grain
- Contrast
- Radius
- Highlight
- Shadow
- Angle
- Thinness
- X
- Y
- Centered
- Exposure
- Red Ambient
- Green Ambient
- Blue Ambient
- Number of Lights
- X Position
- Y Position
- Distance
- Direction X
- Direction Y
- Direction Z
- Spread Angle
- Brightness
- Light Color
- Spacing
- Offset
- Vertical
- Horizontal
- Pull
- Waviness
- Wavelength
- Phase
- Quality
- Hue Extents
- Hue Feather
- Saturation Extents
- Saturation Feather
- Value Extents
- Value Feather
- Center Color
- Inverted
- H
- S
- V
- Library
- Texture
- Operation
- Row Origin
- Column Origin
- Invert Grain
- Scale
- Levels
- File Name
- X
- Y
- Item Name
- Year
- Month
- Day
- Hour
- Minute
- Second
- Day of the Week
- Name
- Session Name
- Initial Seed
- Text
- Page Rotation Angle*
- Amount
- Value
- Angle
- X Scale
- Y Scale
- Nozzle File Name
- Add Top
- Add Left
- Add Bottom
- Add Right
- Shadow DX
- Shadow DY
- Collapse Drop Shadow Group
- Opacity
- Radius
- Angle
- Thinness
- Drop With Mask
- Use Brush Grid
- Image
- Mask
- Cartoon Cel
- Current Color
- Gradation
- Clone Source
- Weaving
- Seed Point X
- Seed Point Y
- Hue Min
- Hue Max
- Saturation Min
- Saturation Max
- Value Min
- Value Max
- Hue Wraps
- Entire Image
- Frisket
- Contiguous Pixels
- Cartoon Cel
- Selection
- N
- NW
- W
- SW
- S
- SE
- E
- NE
- Threshold
- Rectangular
- Option
- Masked
- DH
- DV
- Amount
- Shine
- Picture
- Exposure
- Number of Lights
- Brightness
- Concentration
- Direction X
- Direction Y
- Direction Z
- Red
- Green
- Blue
- Shiny
- Reflection
- Soften
- Inverted
- Direction
- Number of Tiles
- Center X
- Center Y
- Grout Color
- Width
- Height
- Pressure
- Grout
- Frisket Points
- Outset Frisket Points
- X
- Y
- Random Cut
- Random Length
- Random Width
- Random Grout
- Library
- Nozzle
- Nozzle Scale
- Library
- Pattern
- Pattern Scale
- Flags2
- Spot Type
- P1X
- P1Y
- P2X
- P2Y
- Length
- String Data
- Shape Type
- Perspective Factor
- Count
- Ramp Kind
- Color Space Kind
- Arc-Length Blend
- Align Start Points
- Stroke
- Stroke Color
- Stroke Width
- Stroke Opacity
- Cap
- Join
- Miter Limit
- Fill
- Fill Color
- Fill Opacity
- Even Odd Fill
- Flatness
- Shape Name
- Slant
- X Scale
- Y Scale
- Pixels
- Path Name
- Printable Colors Only
- Rectangular
- Horizontal
- Vertical
- Offset
- Amount
- Zoom In
- Zoom Center X
- Zoom Center Y
- Min Size
- Max Size
- Patterned
- Pattern Number
- Display Solution
- Seed
- Thickness
- No. of Iterations
- No. of Points
- No. of Levels
- Radius Fraction
- Window Oversizing
- Ambient Amount
- Dot Power
- Display Iterations
- Delay Time
- Cull Interiors
- Transparent Glass